Results for 'Paula Menendez Benito'

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  1. Epistemic Indefinites.Paula Menéndez-Benito - unknown
    Across languages, we find indefinites that overtly mark a speaker’s lack of knowledge: they signal that the speaker is unable to give any further information about who or what satisfies her existential claim (Becker, 1999; Haspelmath, 1997). From now on, we will refer to the marking of the speaker’s lack of knowledge as an epistemic effect and to the indefinites that induce epistemic effects as epistemic indefinites.
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  2. On universal Free Choice items.Paula Menéndez-Benito - 2010 - Natural Language Semantics 18 (1):33-64.
    This paper deals with the interpretation and distribution of universal Free Choice (FC) items, such as English FC any or Spanish cualquiera. Crosslinguistically, universal FC items can be characterized as follows. First, they have a restricted distribution. Second, they express freedom of choice: the sentence You can take any card conveys the information that the addressee is free to pick whichever card she chooses. Under standard assumptions, the truth conditions of sentences like You can take any card are taken to (...)
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  3. Two Types of Weak Determiners: Evidence from Spanish.Paula MenÉNdez-Benito - unknown
    Weak determiners have both a presuppositional and a non presuppositional reading. Two ways of accounting for this fact have been proposed. The Ambiguity Approach (Partee 1989, Diesing 1992, de Hoop 1992) posits that weak determiners are ambiguous. The Pragmatic Approach (Büring 1996) claims that we do not need to postulate an ambiguity in the semantics: the presuppositional reading arises as a result of presuppositions triggered by topic/focus marking. In this paper we explore the possibility that both theories are needed. We (...)
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  4. Expressing Indifference: Spanish Un NP Cualquiera.Paula Menéndez-Benito - unknown
    Across languages, we find indefinites that trigger modal inferences. Some of these indefinites, like Spanish un NP cualquiera or the Korean -na indeterminates (Choi 2007) convey indifference on the part of an agent. In this paper, we assess whether a number of proposals on the market can be extended to account for the indifference component of un NP cualquiera.
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  5. Modal indefinites.Luis Alonso-Ovalle & Paula Menéndez-Benito - 2010 - Natural Language Semantics 18 (1):1-31.
    Across languages, we find indefinites that trigger modal inferences. This article contributes to a semantic typology of these items by contrasting Spanish algún with indefinites like German irgendein or Italian uno qualsiasi. While irgendein-type indefinites trigger a Free Choice effect (Kratzer and Shimoyama 2002; Chierchia 2006), algún simply signals that at least two individuals in its domain are possibilities. Additionally, algún, but not irgendein, can convey that the speaker does not know how many individuals satisfy the existential claim in the (...)
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    Eventive modal projection: the case of Spanish subjunctive relative clauses.Luis Alonso-Ovalle, Paula Menéndez-Benito & Aynat Rubinstein - 2024 - Natural Language Semantics 32 (2):135-176.
    How do modal expressions determine which possibilities they range over? According to the Modal Anchor Hypothesis (Kratzer in _The language-cognition interface: Actes du 19_ _e_ _congrès international des linguistes_, Libraire Droz, Genève, 179–199, 2013 ), modal expressions determine their domain of quantification from particulars (events, situations, or individuals). This paper presents novel evidence for this hypothesis, focusing on a class of Spanish relative clauses that host verbs inflected in the subjunctive. Subjunctive in Romance is standardly taken to be licensed only (...)
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    The evidential future in Italian.Ilaria Frana & Paula Menéndez-Benito - 2023 - Natural Language Semantics 31 (2):139-178.
    This paper provides a systematic description and analysis of the non-predictive use of the Italian future. Several authors claim that, on this use, the Italian future is an evidential (Squartini 2001, Mari 2010, Eckardt and Beltrama 2019, Frana and Menéndez-Benito 2019 ). Others argue that the non-predictive future does not directly contribute an evidential signal (e.g., Giannakidou and Mari 2018, Farkas and Ippolito 2022 ). We side with the evidential camp. From an empirical standpoint, we present the results of (...)
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  8. Modal Indefinites.Paula Men´Endez-Benito - unknown
    Across languages, we find indefinites that trigger modal inferences. This article contributes to a semantic typology of these items by contrasting Spanish alg´un with in-.
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  9. Diversity regained: Precautionary approaches to COVID-19 as a phenomenon of the total environment.Marco P. Vianna Franco, Orsolya Molnár, Christian Dorninger, Alice Laciny, Marco Treven, Jacob Weger, Eduardo da Motta E. Albuquerque, Roberto Cazzolla Gatti, Luis-Alejandro Villanueva Hernandez, Manuel Jakab, Christine Marizzi, Lumila Paula Menéndez, Luana Poliseli, Hernán Bobadilla Rodríguez & Guido Caniglia - 2022 - Science of the Total Environment 825:154029.
    As COVID-19 emerged as a phenomenon of the total environment, and despite the intertwined and complex relationships that make humanity an organic part of the Bio- and Geospheres, the majority of our responses to it have been corrective in character, with few or no consideration for unintended consequences which bring about further vulnerability to unanticipated global events. Tackling COVID-19 entails a systemic and precautionary approach to human-nature relations, which we frame as regaining diversity in the Geo-, Bio-, and Anthropospheres. Its (...)
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    Relámpagos de indignación Javier Sánchez Menéndez. Ética para mediocres, Sevilla, La Isla de Siltolá, 2020, 104 pp. [REVIEW]Benito Romero - 2020 - Laguna 47:127-129.
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    La fuerza centrípeta de las ciencias en la obra de Feijoo.Armando Menéndez Viso - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (55).
    En estas líneas se quiere mostrar que la obra de Feijoo puede interpretarse en su conjunto como un proyecto político-científico. Para Feijoo, el escepticismo científico es la clave para la construcción de una comunidad ilustrada que, al dedicarse al verdadero conocimiento del mundo físico, no amenaza la religión católica ni el incipiente despliegue del Estado moderno. La ciencia (o filosofía natural) se presenta como el antídoto de las fuerzas centrífugas del error y la disgregación, en todas sus formas. Feijoo no (...)
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  12. Plural Epistemic Indefinites ∗.Paula Men´Endez-Benitob - unknown
    Across languages, we find epistemic indefinites, i.e. existential determiners that can convey information about the speaker’s epistemic state.1 One such indefinite is Spanish alg´un, which marks ignorance on the part of the speaker. By using alg´un in (1a) the speaker signals that he is unable (or unwilling) to identify the doctor that Mar´ıa married. Hence, it would be odd for him to add a namely continuation that explicitly identifies the doctor in question, as in (1b). From now on, we will (...)
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  13. Future Contingents, Indeterminacy and Context.Paula Sweeney - 2015 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 96 (2):408-422.
    In Facing the Future, Belnap et al. reject bivalence and propose double time reference semantics to give a pragmatic response to the following assertion problem: how can we make sense of assertions about future events made at a time when the outcomes of those events are not yet determined? John MacFarlane employs the same semantics, now bolstered with a relative-truth predicate, to accommodate the following apparently conflicting intuitions regarding the truth-value of an uttered future contingent: at the moment of utterance, (...)
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    La memoria y el río. Sobre Tratamiento homeopático del Río de la Plata (2013) de Eduardo Navarro.Iván Wrobel & Paula Bruno Garcén - 2022 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 12 (24):e128.
    ¿El agua recuerda? ¿Cómo es posible visualizar y sanar su memoria? En el año 2013 el artista Eduardo Navarro presentó su obra Tratamiento homeopático del Río de la Plata en el Parque de la Memoria - Monumento a las Víctimas del Terrorismo de Estado, como parte de la exhibición Aquella mañana fue como si recuperara, si no la felicidad, sí la energía, una energía que se parecía mucho al humor, un humor que se parecía mucho a la memoria, bajo la (...)
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    (1 other version)Krausismo: estética y literatura.Juan López-Morillas - 1973 - Barcelona,: Ed. Labor.
    Krause, C. F. Concepto subjetivo-objetivo de lo bello.--Krause, K. C. F. [y] Sanz del Río, J. El arte y la poesía.--Fernández y González, F. Lo bello y la naturaleza.--Paula Canalejas, F. de. Del carácter de las pasiones en la tragedia y en el drama.--Giner de los Ríos, F. El arte y las artes.--Giner de los Ríos, F. Consideraciones sobre el desarrollo de la literatura moderna.--Revilla, M. de la. El naturalismo en el arte.--Revilla, M. de la. La tendencia docente en (...)
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  16. Reviewed by Graham Barnfield.Andrew Hemingway & Paula Rabinowitz - 2003 - Historical Materialism 11 (4):413-421.
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    Sensación y pintura en Deleuze.Paula Honorato Crespo - 2010 - Aisthesis 47.
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    As If Consenting to Horror.Emmanuel Levinas & Paula Wissing - 1989 - Critical Inquiry 15 (2):485-488.
    I learned very early, perhaps even before 1933 and certainly after Hitler’s huge success at the time of his election to the Reichstag, of Heidegger’s sympathy toward National Socialism. It was the late Alexandre Koyré who mentioned it to me for the first time on his return from a trip to Germany. I could not doubt the news, but took it with stupor and disappointment, and also with the faint hope that it expressed only the temporary lapse of a great (...)
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  19. Tratados.Juan Benito Díaz de Gamarra & José Gaos - 1947 - Ediciones de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma.
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  20. El calentamiento global y los recursos hídricos.Gerardo Benito Ferrández - 2010 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 58:145-147.
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    Putting Corporate Responsibility into Practice: Examining the Gap Between Strategic Plans and Operational Actions.Johanna Kujala, Paula Merikari & Jenni Enroth - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:192-196.
    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the gap between the strategic and operational levels of corporate responsibility. The strategic level of corporateresponsibility refers to the strategic plans concerning corporate responsibility which are examined by looking at the corporate responsibility documents. The operational level stands for the everyday actions of retailers which are analysed through interviews of nine retailers. The gap between the strategic plans and operational actions is described and analysed to understand why and how the gap exists (...)
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    Behavioral and Social Science Research.Felice J. Levine & Paula R. Skedsvold - 2008 - In Ezekiel J. Emanuel, The Oxford textbook of clinical research ethics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 336.
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    Beyond positive or negative: variability in daily parent-adolescent interaction quality is associated with adolescent emotion dysregulation.Erika M. Manczak, Paula J. Ham, Rebecca N. Sinard & Edith Chen - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (4):840-847.
    ABSTRACTPrevious work on the contribution of family environments to adolescent emotion dysregulation has tended to focus on broad parenting characteristics ; however, it is possible that day-to-day variability in parenting may also relate to emotion dysregulation. The current study sought to test whether inconsistency in the quality of daily parent-youth interactions related to multiple indices of emotion dysregulation in adolescents. Two-hundred-twenty-two adolescents participated with one parent. Adolescents completed 14-days of diary reporting on the quality of interactions with their parent and (...)
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    Philosophie und gesellschaftliche Praxis: Wirkungen der Philosophie K.C.F. Krauses in Deutschland, 1833-1881.Enrique Menéndez Ureña - 2001 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog.
    Dieses Buch versucht, die institutionelle Wirkung der Schuler K. C. F. Krauses grosstenteils anhand unveroffentlichter Handschriften zu rekonstruieren und den philosophie- und padagogikgeschichtlichen Kontext zu erhellen. Eingehend behandelt werden die ersten deutschen Philosophiekongresse, die von theistischen (I. H. Fichte) bzw. linkshegelianischen (L. Noack, K. Nauwerck) Richtungen und von Krauseanhangern veranstaltet wurden. Die Untersuchung widmet der engen Beziehung zwischen Frobel und Krause und dem daraus entspringenden 'Krause-Frobelianismus' besondere Aufmerksamkeit: Sie zeigt, inwiefern Krauses Philosophie mit ihren Tendenzen zum Praktischwerden und zum 'menschheitlichen' (...)
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  25. Introducción al estudio del pensamiento de Unamuno.Benito Y. Durán & Angel[From Old Catalog] - 1953 - Granada,:
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    Las prácticas combinatorias en el Magreb en la época de Ramon Llull.Mj Viguera & Historia de España Menéndez - 2006 - Philosophy 16:287-307.
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    Comités 2.0: deberes, posibilidades y desafíos de la ética institucionalizada en el s. XXI.Armando Menéndez Viso & Antonio Casado da Rocha - 2011 - Dilemata 5:163-180.
    Ethics committees are one of the main agents in the governance of science and technology, especially in the field of health care. This paper analyses some aspects of their nature, which show the internal relationship between the moral and the scientific-technological domains. Being both knowledge providers and users thereof, ethics committees deliberate and decide on complex contemporary ethical issues. To pursue their aims, they require adequate technical tools in order to deliberate and choose using new technologies of communication and information. (...)
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  28. EI Bien, el Mal Y la ciencia: Las dimensiones éticas de la empresa científico-tecnológica.Armando Menéndez Viso - 1999 - Theoria 14 (2):373-375.
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    URABAYEN, Julia, y CASERO, Jorge León, (eds.), Disciplines of the city. New forms of governance in today’s postmetropolises.Paula Aguadero Ruiz - 2020 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 47:639-642.
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    Lecciones de teoría del derecho y derecho natural.Antonio Fernández-Galiano & Benito de Castro Cid - 1993 - Madrid: Editorial Universitas. Edited by Benito de Castro Cid.
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    Ver y Pensar: Fisiología Mecanicista Cartesiana y Fenomenología Del Cuerpo.Esteban García & Paula Castelli - 2013 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 69:133-150.
    As a tenacious and rigorous reader of the Cartesian corpus, Merleau-Ponty payed special attention to its ambiguities. On the one hand, the intellectualism of the Cartesian theory of perception (Dioptrique) goes along with a mechanistic physiology (Traité de l’Homme) and also with the substantial dualism of the first Méditations Métaphysiques. On the other, Descartes always insisted on hylomorphism, composition, permixtio and even substantial union. Thereby, the human body becomes endowed with such peculiar properties as its inner binding, indivisibility and a (...)
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  32. La democracia cristiana.G. Jaramillo & Francisco de Paula - 1962 - Bogotá,: Ediciones del Caribe;.
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    Editorial: Online Mindfulness Intervention Delivery: Efficacy and Adherence.Susan K. Johnson & Paula Goolkasian - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    (1 other version)Dos pais pobres ao pai dos pobres: cartas de pais e mães ao presidente Vargas e a política familiar do Estado Novo.Ana Paula Vosne Martins - 2008 - Diálogos (Maringa) 12 (2-3).
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    Influência da Diáspora na escuta de rádio online.Lidia Paula Trentin & Álvaro Nunes Larangeira - 2017 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 24 (1).
    O presente estudo pretende compreender como a diáspora interfere no ato de ouvir a programação da Rádio Comunitária 87.9 FM de Frederico Westphalen, Rio Grande do Sul, pela internet, isto é, se o fato de ouvir a emissora por meio do site aproxima os indivíduos diaspóricos de Frederico Westphalen, da Rádio ou de alguém que resida no município e como isso acontece. A metodologia utilizada foi de entrevistas em profundidade com ouvintes da Rádio Comunitária FM que estão em situação de (...)
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  36. O romance antigo E sua proposta de pedagogia erótica.Ana Paula Cardoso Vasconcelos - 2009 - Principia: Revista do Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Orientais do Instituto de Letras 1 (18):75-82.
    Pretendemos, com este trabalho, apresentar a prática de uma pedagogia erótica, sob a forma de uma questionável libertinagem, observada mediante um cotejo entre os romances Satíricon, de Petrônio (I séc. d.C) e Dáfnis e Cloé, de Longo ( II-III séc. d.C). Dentro dessa perspectiva, tentaremos enfatizar as inquietações que os indivíduos da sociedade greco-romana, representados em ambos os romances, sofriam frente às normas de conduta sexual que permeavam a sociedade da época. Do mesmo modo, refletiremos acerca de questões como: escravidão, (...)
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    A colonização é aqui e agora: elementos de presentificação do racismo.Fabiano Veliq & Paula Magalhães - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (spe):111-128.
    Resumo: O racismo, enquanto problema estrutural e estruturante de nossa sociedade, afeta-nos cotidianamente, de formas muito profundas e nem sempre visíveis. A modernidade é frequentemente associada a suas conquistas de independência político-econômica, no território europeu, mas dificilmente é associada a seus atos nefastos, que são condições sine qua non para seu surgimento. São eles o engendramento do capitalismo, da colonização e, portanto, do racismo. O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar os modos a partir dos quais o racismo se faz (...)
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    Aspectos da Modalidade: A Noção de Possibilidade na Fenomenologia Hermenêutica.María Paula Viglione - 2017 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 43 (2):316-318.
    En este trabajo critico la interpretación moralizada de la obligación política en Hobbes que defiende Luciano Venezia. Exploro una lectura diferente que evita una dicotomía tajante entre las razones prudenciales y las razones morales y subraya en cambio la discontinuidad entre la normatividad subjetiva de la ley natural y la normatividad objetiva de la ley positiva. Sostengo que el contrato de sujeción política establece obligaciones objetivas recién cuando el soberano exige el cumplimiento de los contratos. La obligación política es entonces (...)
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    La herencia de la filosofía de la vida: una aproximación a la hermenéutica. Dilthey, Heidegger y Gadamer en torno a la vivencia.Jorge Benito Torres - 2024 - Studia Heideggeriana 13:121-143.
    La hermenéutica de Dilthey ha legado a la historia de la filosofía una profunda tematización del problema de la vivencia humana. En ella, se lleva a cabo un análisis de la experiencia desde el juego dado entre la totalidad de la vida histórica y la vivencia concreta y particular. Tomando estas ideas como base, la filosofía de la vivencia elaborada por dicha tradición se orienta hacia la dilucidación de una ontología de la vida, cuya pretensión es la de indagar en (...)
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    Razão E sensação em teeteto 201 D -202 C.Anderson De Paula Borges - 2010 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 15 (1):13-47.
    The aim of this paper is to make a brief discussion about three aspects that characterize the Socrates's Dream in the Theaetetus . First, I comment the function of the Dream in the context of the third definition of knowledge. Them I move on the text and examine some questions concerning the notion of logos in 201 d -202 c . In the last section I discuss the problem of perception of the stoicheia . At this point I refuse the (...)
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    Luiz Beltrão e Gilberto Freyre: reflexões exploratórias acerca da relação entre ciências sociais e comunicação.Zuleika De Paula Bueno & Tiago Roberto Ramos - 2012 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 19 (2).
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  42. Magazines field, or, the next Documenta should be curated by magazines.Patricia Canetti & Leandro de Paula - 2007 - Radical Philosophy 146:43-45.
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  43. Viaje al centro del marasmo = Reise zum mittelpunkt des stillstands.Idalia Sautto & Maria Paula Laguna - 2022 - In Idalia Sautto, Laguna Trujillo, Maria Paula, Manuel Bueno Botello & Savannah Beck, Blickwinkel: marasmo. Ciudad de México: Goethe-Institut Mexiko.
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  44. Der Ursprung des Lebens.Remigius Stölzle & Paula Stölzle - 1925 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (2):70-70.
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  45. En Torno Al Lenguaje Hacia 1916: La Crítica de Walter Benjamin Al Escrito de Habilitación Del Joven Heidegger.Maria Paula Viglione - 2024 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 65 (158):e-42507.
    ABSTRACT This paper intends to analyze Walter Benjamin’s critique of Heidegger’s habilitation thesis Duns Scotus’s Doctrine of Categories and Meaning. This objective will be carried out from a contrast between Heidegger’s thesis and the essay that Benjamin writes at the same time entitled On Language as Such and on the Language of Man. Likewise, the reasons that lead Benjamin to critically comment on Heidegger’s thesis will be studied from two perspectives: the problem of translation and the Heideggerian recovery of Neo-Kantianism. (...)
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    El destino de la filosofía.Armando Menéndez Viso - 2010 - In María G. Navarro, Betty Estévez & Antolín Sánchez Cuervo, Claves actuales de pensamiento. Madrid: CSIC/Plaza y Valdés.
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    José Ma Ga Gómez-Heras (2010), En armonía con la naturaleza: reconstrucción ambiental de la filosofía.Armando Menéndez Viso - 2011 - Dilemata 6:173-177.
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    Ortega y Leibniz.Armando Menéndez Viso - 2021 - Isegoría 65:26-26.
  49. La persona como horizonte interior en la filosofía de Manuel Mindán.Antonio Piñas Mesa & H. Benito - 2014 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 6 (12):37-49.
  50. Of war and madness.Noël Carroll & War Paula Rego - 2014 - In Damien Freeman & Derek Matravers, Figuring Out Figurative Art: Contemporary Philosophers on Contemporary Paintings. New York: Acumen Publishing.
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